Difficulties First Aid What To Do Ways Of IPV

Are you suffered by Intimate Partner Violence(IPV)?

If you think you are under surveillance, harassed by anonymous, information leak, especially it may come from someone closed, such as couples, family members, close friends or even colleagues. Then you are probably under Intimate Partner Violence(IPV).

What should I do?

If you think you are are under IPV, don't be panic, the abuser aren't god, they are just some coward hinded behind the screen, go to the police and lawyer for professional assistance. TechSafety website

In general, the abuser probably has access to your information and privacy through your device. Therefore, please do as following to secure your device:

- First, log out all your account, including shopping accounts and any social media accounts.

- Check if there are any strange application installed in your device, pay extra attention to those requires Location, media(sound, camera) authorities.

- Check the system setting, be aware that the emergency contect method, like Find My Iphone, those may already compromised to the abuser.

- Use new device, or public device like from Library, if it is possible.

- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1−800−799−7233, 1−800−787−3224

- Crime Victims Hotline 1-866-689-4357, 1-800-621-4673