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Revenge Porn

What is Nonconsensual pornography or revenge porn?

An action that involves uploading nude/semi-nude images or videos without the owner's consent , which is an example of information leak. When this action is based on revenge for one's former/current intimate partner, it is categorized as revenge porn.
Generally, this is a sign of the abuser attempting to exhaust the private life of the victim. As a result, more private information such as contact information, address and even pictures of family members.

How serious is it?

In 2014, an anonymous user posted a large archive of nude or partially-clad images of female celebrities to the image-sharing website 4Chan. The pictures were mostly selfies of some of the most popular celebrities in the world, including Jennifer Lawrence, leaving a forever lasting effect on their public images and lives.

Traits of Revenge Porn

- Can't be fully be deleted from the internet
- The public may cause further damage to the victim by harassing on social media
- Survivors were less likely to report to the police when the perpetrator was someone they knew due to shame, embarrassment, which are similar to the sexual assault victims.
- The victim could go through trust issues, PTSD, anxiety, depression, loss of control, and how revenge porn affected their self-esteem.
- Law enforcement may not treat the harass as the same as sexual assault, even though the revenge porn is as serious as the it.

However, it is still a crime!

Currently, there are 28 U.S. states with legislation regarding nonconsensual pornography, which means, it is still a crime and can be convicted up to 3 years' sentence. - Contact to the website, for social media site, the revenge porn is also not their wishes, so they will help you to remove most of it and local the original poster if your lawyer requires it. - Make sure to save the evidence of the original post, especially if it could only come from someone you know. - Check if there are other IPV behavior is going on. - Sadly, clean the account for a fresh start.