Difficulties First Aid What To Do Ways Of IPV


Having others gain physically access to your mobile device always make you vulnerable to IPV no matter how strong or unique your password is. Therefore, keeping possession of your mobile devices at all times is the best way to protect your privacy while you're in a intimate relationship.

1. When there is malicious post in social media, contect with the developer to save the evidence, contact with the company need to be fast since the data will be deleted within days.

2. When there is likely a private information leak, report the abuse to the developer even if the information is not yours. Many online sites have policies against these actions and they will delete it.

Extra Resource link: TechSafety

When you feel like your privacy is being violated by an intimate partner, don't be afraid to call for help!

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1−800−799−7233, 1−800−787−3224
Crime Victims Hotline 1-866-689-4357, 1-800-621-4673